Monday, July 20, 2015

July 20, 2015

Last week I was a part of something special.  My friend asked me to come take pictures of her family.  Her father-in-law has cancer and we don't know how long his days on this earth remain.

I was completely blessed by this time.  What an amazing family!  This man has a legacy that people can only hope for.  The love and affection was so evident when grandpa entered the scene.  People rushing to get pillows to make him more comfy and everyone excited to get a picture with him.  I have shed many tears as I edit.  How precious these picture are and will be to come.

Gloria (young looking grandma) asked if I would like to see her memorial garden for her mother.  (By the way her gardens are magnificent)  Right before I came to the photo shoot I had dropped my mom's clothes off to have them made into quilts and teddy bears.  I cried most of the way there. 

As Gloria shared with me about her mother my heart became full.  I had only met her minutes before but we have a bond beyond this earth.  Our Jesus!  We shared how Jesus has to be our only one.  He is the only thing we can take with us.  Everything else on earth is passing away.  We hugged and cried together.  As I left, I believe God put it on my heart to make a slide show for her.  The song really says it all~  "In Christ Alone"

Hope you enjoy Arends family.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.  What an amazing testimony you are to others and may more people follow Jesus through your journey to our eternal home.

1 comment:

  1. O Heather, thank you so much for coming over on such a short notice, taking our pictures, ministering to our souls. Thank you for your tribute, what a gift! Love, Helen
